During the Microsoft E3 Presentation, Minecraft cross-platform play was announced, covering mobile, Xbox, Windows 10, Nintendo Switch, and VR. PS4 was the biggest name missing from the list. If it was just Windows 10 and Xbox, you could assume Microsoft paid for an exclusive deal, but the inclusion of Nintendo, Mobile, and VR, paints a different picture. Microsoft has even publicly stated they would like to see Sony join the party.
“Minecraft bigwig Aubrey Norris told GamesBeat.“We can’t speak for Sony, but as we said, we would love to have our PlayStation 4 community join our Minecraft unification plans.”
Jes Corden (@JezCorden) tweeted about Sony’s odd absence from the announcement.
Not only does the cross-platform initiative allow you to play with friends on other systems, but you can resume your saved progress on another platform (purchases can transfer as well). This is based on the Bedrock Engine.
It’s unclear why Sony hasn’t joined the exchange. Some have reported Sony is worried about potential security leaks. They have had bad luck in the past and could be extra-sensitive regarding any new online developments. I would assume a part of their infrastructure would have to be made available to someone at Mojang in order to connect the dots. The frustrating inability to simply change PSN names could speak to the fragility or clunkiness of Sony’s gaming servers.
Perhaps they’re confident in their strong install base and current Minecraft audience, avoiding gamers bringing over bought content from other systems.
Whatever the case, it could be unwise to get off the train of one of the most popular games of all time. Look at a magazine rack and see how many more Minecraft publications there are and how few gaming magazines are still available.
Sony hasn;t made an official statement on the issue, and if the truth paints them in a bad light, I wouldn’t expect one.