Following the recent trend, EA’s Star Wars: Battlefront 2 will not offer players a DLC season pass, creative director Bernd Diemer told Mashable recently.
A season pass for a game is essentially a discounted DLC pre-purchase. You buy the season pass, and then you get every DLC as they release for free. Those who buy the DLC’s individually end up paying a bit more, so people opt for a season pass for games they know they’ll be playing a lot.
Some recent titles, such as Titanfall 2 and Mass Effect: Andromeda, have chosen to not release season passes for their DLC’s, and Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is following that trend after learning from past mistakes.
Diemer told Mashable, “When we looked at the way Battlefront had evolved over its lifetime, with the DLC and everything, we decided, ‘You know what? For this type of game, season passes are not the best thing. We need to [take it apart] and come up with something better.”
The main idea behind the decision? “We don’t want to segment our community,” Diemer stated.
The “segment” Diemer referred to comes from Battlefront’s matchmaking issues which stem from DLC’s. Some people purchased the season pass and are always up-to-date on the latest add-ons, but some players pick and choose certain updates to download and others to skip.
Those without the latest extra content can’t access the full population of players, which makes finding a match difficult–or impossible–sometimes.
Diemer’s statements show EA is trying to avoid history repeating itself by keeping the Battlefront 2 community healthy and active. What does that mean for the game’s DLC’s though? EA says they’ll let us know.
“While we’re not ready to confirm any live service plans just yet,” EA said to Mashable, “what we can say is this we heard the feedback from our Battlefront community loud and clear. We know they want more depth, more progression, and more content. So we’re focused on delivering that in every dimension of Star Wars: Battlefront 2. We’ll have more to share about our plans soon.”
What do you think would be the best move from Battlefront 2’s extra content? Let us know in the comments.