Virtual reality game Raw Data is making its way to the Oculus Rift next month, and it’s getting new features and cross-platform multiplayer to go with it.
Developer Survios announced today that the VR first-person shooter will get an update in March, though the exact date hasn’t been set yet.
“We’re thrilled to welcome the Oculus player community to Raw Data,” said James Iliff, Survios Chief Creative Officer and co-founder, in a statement. “With VR still a young, niche industry, it’s crucial right now for the entire community to be united regardless of platform. We believe VR is ultimately going to be a platform-agnostic medium, and we’re showing our support for that shift with Raw Data’s new, cross-platform compatibility—and that’s just the beginning. We’re going to do everything we can to create content for the entire VR community.”
While the Oculus Rift version of Raw Data will have the exact same content as the original Vive HTC version, the game has been reengineered to work with the Oculus Touch controllers, which boast intuitive controls that “feel as natural as using your hands.”
Also, this update will allow Oculus Rift owners to play with Vive HTC owners in online co-op mode.
A tough new mission, called Cataclysm, will become available with the update as well. In Cataclysm, players must fight off enemies while on a moving platform in Eden Corp’s Data Chamber.
To help with the challenging Cataclysm mission, players can utilize two upgraded heroes, Saija and Boss. Each will receive new abilities and other major upgrades requested in player feedback.
Check out the newest Raw Data trailer below for a preview of what you’ll get to experience on your Oculus Rift soon!