Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy XV’s high profile and mediocre reception probably acted as a two-fold boost for Final Fantasy XII’s remaster. Fans clamoring for the good ‘ol days rocketed the 11-year old game’s remastered return.
I completely understand as I’ve never played XII but will give anything with the FF-brand a chance.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Rocket-boosting from 8 to 2 shows us that COD may not rule the world as it once did, but is still a powerful presence. As we’ll see in this list, online games make money
Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy
Knocked from #1 but still hanging onto a medal position. Crash was a big hit in the UK and it shows. Reports have recently come out that it is actually harder than you remembered as the physics from 2 and 3 were copied over to 1, messing with the platforming dynamics. Experts say start with the final two in the series.
#3 last week, Overwatch is another of the always-online-always-selling titles that will have big Publishers very interested in replicating this success. Of course, Blizzard has consistently supported the game with new characters, maps, and modes, which is a crucial part of that success.
Yes, the king is still in the top 5, and was even #3 last week! People want to screw around with their friends, it’s now a scientific fact.
Forza Horizon 3
A big jump from #14 to the top ten from a game that constantly supplies gamers with contest to win snazzy new cars. Gotta keep dangling those carrots.
Minecraft: Xbox Edition
All hail the Minecraft lords and the young players that will one day build our retirement homes out of lego. But hey, at least we’ll be safe at night.
Wipeout: Omega Collection
Another big jump, this time from #19 to #8 shows a sluggish start has turned into a much better success. I guess launching a nostalgia remake this close to Crash was a tough sell.
Horizon Zero Dawn
Gaining a spot, Guerilla Game’s break from Killzone has been a huge success. It first launched at a special time when Sony fans might have jealous of Breath of the Wild, if not for their very own Action/RPG with frickin’ robot dinosaurs!
Injustice 2
Jumping ten spots, fighting games have made a quiet comeback this year after the disastrous launch of SFV. Injustice 2 may not be super deep, but when you’re selling to the rest of the world that doesn’t compete at EVO, it seems like jamming the game with hours of fun is better than ensuring deep competitive balance.
Even if you’ll never go online to compete with the best, Injustice 2 has more than enough to satisfy a single-player fan.
Other highlights
Fifa 17, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Battlefield 1, Rocket League, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands, and Rainbow Six:Siege fill out the bottom ten with even more competitive online.
Breath of the Wild and Fallout 4 are the lone single-player-centric titles holding strong in the mix. Both have received further content through DLC.
Any surprises on the list for you?