Bethesda announced today that Dishonored 2’s new update is live for all platforms. Game Update 2 adds, among other things, two major features: custom difficulty settings and mission select.
The custom difficulty option is a huge addition. The standard “Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard” choices have been embellished with a much more in-depth array of settings.
“With the Custom Difficulty settings, you can further tailor your experience,” says Bethesda. “Let’s say you’re a stealth player who likes to carefully explore every option… now you can move a slider that adjusts how effective you are leaning from behind a barrier when skulking around. With more than 20 different sliders, these Custom Difficulty settings let you fiddle with everything from how quickly Sleep Darts take effect to how many active enemies are likely to attack you at once.”
“Also included in the Custom Difficulty settings is a special slider for those seeking the ultimate challenge. Toggle on Iron Mode when starting a new game, and you’ll not only deal with permadeath but also won’t be able to manually save or load.”
In addition to the difficulty settings, this update allows players to replay any mission. Thankfully, when you go back to redo a mission, all your game progress–including runes, money, choices, etc.–will remain in tact. This is a highly requested feature that will give players the ability to redo certain moments and get another shot at that Ghost or Clean Hands run.
You can also restart missions at any time from the pause menu. Now you can have a do-over the second you make a mistake instead of loading up a previous save or worse: living with it for the whole game.
Game Update 2 also fixes various bugs across all platforms, “based on player feedback.” You can check out the huge list of patch notes on Bethesda’s website.
Dishonored 2’s newest update is available for free download now on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.