2018 was a hell of a year. Like last year, I completed over 100 different games and DLC expansions during my time writing for this site and others, and it’s…
Santa Monica Studios have been hard at work on this title for over 5 years. After six other games in the franchise, can this God of War reboot (of sorts) find the magic of the original trilogy? Find out what reviewer Matthew Owen has to say in our definitive review.
NOTE: Our review has now been published. The release date of the hot new God of War game is approaching, and critics seem impressed. The PlayStation exclusive is the first new…
The God of War franchise gets a soft reboot this month, so what can we expect from this new take on the beloved Sony-exclusive franchise? Get excited, the release is just around the corner!
Pre-Show Sony duped many into checking in an hour before showtime by not calling it a ‘pre-show’ until it had already begun. As if sensing the disappointment, they told viewers…
A day before Sony’s fantastic presentation I had written about how much I disliked the typical E3 Conference. Awkward speakers, out-of-place celebs, and far too much telling instead of showing…