Summer Games Done Quick 2023 has officially begun, ushering in another wonderful week of speedrunning for charity. Streamed live on Twitch, SGDQ 2023 will be raising money for Doctors Without Borders by showcasing some of the most impressive speedruns you’ve ever seen. The first day of SGDQ 2023 offered a pleasant start to the marathon, with loads of fun games and bountiful charity.

We had a blast watching the first day of festivities, so we’re counting down our picks for the best speedruns of the day! Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list, as we were unable to watch every run, but purely some recommendations for great SGDQ 2023 speedruns to watch. You can catch the replays on the Games Done Quick Twitch channel or their YouTube channel.
The Best Speedruns of SGDQ 2023 Day 1
Bugsnax (All Bosses, Co-op) by Konception and limy
Bugsnax is one of the quirkiest and weirdest games of the current generation, and runners Konception and limy did a wonderful job showing us just how endearing it is as well. This co-op run was eccentric and lighthearted, guiding viewers through every boss in just over 30 minutes. The happy-go-lucky mood and fun gameplay were a perfect fit for the beginning of this massive marathon.

Final time: 34:51
Mega Man Maker (Any%) by megamarino
Do you like Mega Man? Do you like user-created levels? If so, then this Mega Man Maker speedrun by megamarino is a must-watch. Megamarino breezed through a slew of custom stages, showing off just how creative the Mega Man Maker community is. Some stellar tribute stages, modeled after classics like Super Mario Bros, Frogger, and Bubble Bobble, make this speedrun a nostalgic journey with excellent tunes.

Final time: 28:10
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (Any%) by Myth197
The Legend of Zelda: The Minis Cap oozes upbeat, summery vibes, which made it a perfect game for the first day of SGDQ 2023. Myth197 put up a great run of this GBA cult classic, showcasing its beautiful sprites and quirky mini-Link mechanic with finesse. This Minish Cap speedrun was the first of many Zelda runs on the SGDQ 2023 schedule, and it set the pace perfectly for the week to come.

Final time: 1:38:20
Ring Fit Adventure (Beat World 1, Intensity 30, Restricted) by Verxl
Combining expert gameplay and high-intensity exercise, the Ring Fit Adventure speedrun from SGDQ 2023 was a wild surprise. Runner Verxl showcased just how physically demanding the game is on the hardest difficulty while pulling off calculated tricks, making it for an engaging run that pumped up the live audience. For double the entertainment, watch this speedrun during your next cardio workout so you too can feel the burn.

Final time: 18:45
Luigi’s Mansion (Any% Race) by HDLax and Jovin
Luigi’s Mansion is one of my favorite games of all time, so I was glued to the screen when HDLax and Jovin battled in this any% speedrun race. Both players put on an absolute clinic, showing off just how optimized the speedrun has become over the last 20 years. I appreciate every speedrun of Luigi’s Mansion, but this run at SGDQ 2023 was one of the best I’ve seen in a while.

Final time: 1:09:20
By the end of the first day of SGDQ 2023, the marathon has already raised over $100,000 for Doctors Without Borders, once again showing off just how generous the gaming community is. As with every GDQ marathon before, that donation total will likely shoot far past the $1 million mark as the week continues.
To keep current with everything happening at SGDQ 2023, be sure to check out the A9K Twitter, where we’ll be posting live reactions and clips of the event. We’ll also be posting daily recaps throughout the week, so check back for more SGDQ 2023 recaps tomorrow!