The PS Plus games are here, and this month is a great one for PSVR fans (in US and Canada) as they get RIGS Mechanized Combat League “as a free bonus game from September 5 through November 7″.
“RIGS is a first-person arena-based shooter developed from the ground up for PS VR. Set in the year 2065, it immerses players in an intense, all-action future sport that mixes elements from different athletic fields like combat sports, motorsports, basketball and football.”
Keep in mind, the new PSVR bundle includes the required camera and is priced at $399USD/$499CAD. The bundle with Worlds is $449USD/$579CAD.
Dead by Daylight is another bonus game, but only available Sept 15 -18, then getting a 30% discount on Sept. 22.
That’s You is also still free until Oct. 23.
North America
- inFamous: Second Son, PS4
- Strike Vector Ex, PS4
- Monster Jam Battlegrounds, PS3
- Hustle Kings, PS3
- Hue, PS Vita (Cross Buy with PS4)
- Sky Force Anniversary, PS Vita (Cross Buy with PS4 & PS3)
Sony’s third-person action game was one of the first to show off the PS4’s lighting nad particle effects. I haven’t played it, but will definitely give it a whirl, especially after attaching my external 1TB drive for more breathing room.
Strike vector Ex
This actually looks pretty interesting. There’s a lack of space shooters and I miss the genre.
- inFAMOUS: Second Son (PS4)
- Child of Light (PS4)
- RIGS: Mechanised Combat League (PS4 bonus title – PS VR required)
- That’s You (PS4 bonus title)
- Truck Racer (PS3)
- Handball 2016 (PS3)
- We Are Doomed (PS Vita & PS4)
- Hatoful Boyfriend (PS4 & PS Vita)
Sony must think Europe is more cerebral, granting them the artsy Child of Light while us North Americans get the more straight-ahead (sounding at least) STRIKE VECTOR EX *RIFFING ON GUITAR*.
If you haven’t downloaded last month’s games, you still have a few days.
They were:
- Just Cause 3 (PS4)
- Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry (PS4)
- Super Motherload (PS3)
- Snake Ball (PS3)
- Downwell (PS Vita)
- Level 22 (PS Vita)
Surprisingly (not to Sony) my bloodthirsty, space-obsessed North American mind is very curious about STRIKE FORCE EX. I love space shooters and they’re quite rare nowadays. Also, we’ve been looking for accessible multiplayer games to play in the A90sKid Discord. Which you should join 🙂