CI Games has just released a new video for Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3. The new video shows 15 minutes of gameplay and features the new Challenge Mode.
The video shows some of the stealth and sniping mechanics that’s in the game. It also shows quite a bit of the Challenge Mode which is a variant of the Side Op missions. This variant is a more challenging variation of missions which features some slightly different mechanics. For example, the drone doesn’t save the positions of enemies for players when in this mode and players will need to remember their locations.
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 will be released next month on April 25th for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. This comes after the delay from April 4th. However, the developer will most likely release more gameplay footage of the game as the release date approaches. We will provide you with updates as the release date approaches.
Challenge mode is something for me! I think that there will be one mode that’s supposed to be even harder. There’s realistic mode which is supposed to be an ultimate sniping experience
I forgot to mention that there is this new gameplay. I think they are playing it on easy mode but the slow motion head shots look awesome. I loved it!
Another great gameplay 😉 Ths is great that we don’t hav to wait for this game with no new info and videos.
Oh yeah Ci Games keeps us entertained with all the gameplays. I only hope I could play the game already,,,
sometimes i like to watch gameplays even when i already have the game, i can always learn something new. SGW release is almost there, can’t wait to compare all these gameplays to my own experience!
This one is obviously fantastic, but I think the one in the slaugterhouse is the best so far
Oh yeah, mission in slaughterhouse is the best they’ve showed us 😉 I hope there are een better ones in a game 😉
I’m very happy they’ve decided to go with side missions. Mre hours of killing, sneaking, shooting them in the d…s 😀
yeah, i’m happy too. I can’t wait for tomorrow!
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 will have many side missions. Like CEO said, thare will be 35 hrs of pure gameplay. Thats a lot of time. Missions in challenge mode will be aviable togeher with other missions, like this on for example:
That’s an awesome video man. I haven’t seen it yet so thanks a lot for posting it here! I do hope that the side quests will be diversified
i hope that too. I dont want to play three missions looped and pretend that everything is OK. Like it was in Assassins Creed.
I hated the first part of AC. The game was so repetitive but I think it won’t be the case in SGW 3. Have you seen the new trailer?
I’ve seen it. Watching it a smile didn’t get off from my face. I liked bulletcam. In SGW2 i didnt remember, that this feature will be activating so often, but i count on that in this part.
I always liked the x-ray shot in SE but this slow motion with explaining heads looks very cool as well
Cool gameplay! I think I have seen this mission but it was played in a completely different way. @disqus_dva3sTZb9Y:disqus From what I’ve seen the quests will be very diversified
Im more than a sure, that such option s will be avaibale. Many gameplays shows, that missions in SGHW3 can be made in our own style.
There’s this new 45 min gameplay. You can see that they’ve fixed the issues that were present during beta. Here’s the link. I suggest you watch it
I did see the gameplay before and I have to say that I liked it a lot! I heave pre-ordered the game after watching this gameplay
I liked it as well but no gameplay will make me preorder the game. I think that SGW 3 will be awesome but I just never preorder
I see your point. I think that it’s reasonable but I grumbled. If the game is going to be good I will have saved $30. And I really really hope SGW 3 will meet my expectations
In my opinin this is the best gameplay from Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 so far. This guys know what players wantto learn about this game.
Oh yeah it’s awesome to see such a long gameplay 😀 you know what you can expect of this game after watching it
Awesome gameplay! I have actually seen it some time ago and I think it’s cool that they show us the beginning of the campaign
Thank you or this video, there are some good tips. Tomorrow I’ll be using them in a full game 🙂
It’s cool that they’ve been tweaking the game to work better on different PC rigs after the beta tests. The game didn’t lag on my PC but I know that it was an issue for some people. Source:
Beta testing was a great move and now CI Games see the results. We know, that game gone gold, but still they’re working to make it better.
Of course it was great move. We can be sure that SGW3 will have as less issues as it’s possible. Very good strategy by CI Games.
Waiting for MP a little longer? No problem. I’m going to play SP first anyway.
I’d like to play MP mode as soon as possible 🙁 This interview is a bit odd the interviewer seem a bit unprepared
Yeah he kinda is unprepared. Maybe he didn’t expect that he’d get a chance to talk with someone from CI Games
No problem, guys, but don’t let wait too much 😉 I was waiting for this game since beginning of 2016 :))))))))))))))))
I’ve found also new trailer of Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 and you know what? Bulletcam rules!:)
Holy s**t, this one is even better than “Brothers”. You know, this story trailer released a month ago
I remember that trailer. It was good, but this one is better. Adn i know why – killcam changes everything:)
I remember this one, it’s also great. The story looks ver dark and it gets along with awesome soundtrack.
Awesome video! Thank you for uploading the video here! @Robert:disqus I think that you are actually right. THe new trailer is better than the last one
I personally like the brothers trailer more as it shows some back story. This one is packed with action. I am not saying that it’s wrong but I liked the new one better
No problem. I know, that you’re waiting for this game as i am, so we can only help each other:)
Thanks again! There are only 5 days until the release and at this point it’s hard to stay calm
I loved the trailer man! It’s all about the pacing. In general it’s fast paced but on the other hand you get those sick slow motion shots!
I love this trailer. I hope the game will as good as it seems to be 🙂 Honestly I have no ida what they could screw up.
I think this is great they’ve decided to create side missions. It’s always some variety, I hope there will be some bonuses available too.
there’s nothing worse than just the main line and nothing aside so i agree as much as i can:)
I’ve seen that there is this awesome stealth edition sold with a drone in Australia. Check it out:—Stealth-Edition-PlayStation-4
wow, awesome! it’s not even that expensive, i could afford but unfortunately im not from australia. Is it available anywhere else?
Gosh, this is great! Now I regret I play only on PC. Maybe this is the right to buy PS4? Well, I will think about it.
That’s great in SGW3 are side missions. Hopefully there will be completely different and we’ll receive some extra bonuses.