Bungie has released a trailer for Destiny 2’s Festival of the Lost that starts tomorrow on October 16 and finishes on November 6 at 10 AM PST. The event is open to all Destiny 2 players and is held to honor and celebrate the spirits of the dead. It also coincides with Halloween.
The trailer shows off the new Haunted Forest, similar to that of the Infinite Forest in Curse of Osiris DLC. The Haunted Forest invites you to go as deep into the forest as you can in 15 minutes. However, the further you go the harder the enemies will become. You can do this on your own, with a pre-made fireteam, or through matchmaking with other Guardians. There is no mention yet of what rewards you will receive for going deeper.
Bungie has mentioned the exclusive Horror Story Legendary Auto Rifle. The rifle can be purchased using Fragmented Souls which is a reward for completing daily bounties. The Horror Story Legendary Auto Rifle is fully masterworked at 600 power and features two perks: Zen Moment and Rampage. That may be particularly appealing for all you PVE players out there. Fragmented Souls can also be used to purchase Festival of the Lost masks.
Make sure to note down Tuesday, October 30 as Guardians will receive a new quest line that seeks to hunt down the killers of Master Ives, giving you the opportunity to earn additional rewards each week. You can also earn new Triumphs, an Ephemeral Engram for filling your XP bar after achieving max character level and Steadfast Engrams are also available which effectively awards two Bright Engrams. Ephemeral Engrams and specific items from the engrams are available to purchase from Tess at the Bright Dust store.
What are you looking forward to the most in Festival of the Lost? Get your mask on and enjoy the festivities!