Death Squared is a highly entertaining puzzle game with a nice single player mode. However, the co-op mode is where the game really shines.
The intricate puzzle game has the player control several different blocks with the aim of moving them to the correct coloured circles. The idea is very simple but completing this task is often extremely challenging. It starts off simple enough for both single player and co-op with straight forward challenges. However, the game quickly begins to escalate with more difficult challenges that forces players to think outside the box.
While the initial gameplay is straight-forward, the game doesn’t provide instruction on how to perform certain things. This could seem like a downside but it’s really not. The game exceeds in teaching players the basics by trial and error. It encourages players to explore different options to try and complete each level. This often results in frustrating moments which makes completing a level even more rewarding. As a result, Death Squared feels well constructed and provides a good challenge for players.
The single player mode offers a good length experience with entertaining banter between a human and an AI who are testing the bots the player controls. The player controls multiple square robots at the same time as they work to reach the different coloured circles. The player may need to move their blocks to special coloured squares to activate a special effect on the playing area, not all of these effects are beneficial however. Some of them summon spikes and deadly lasers which destroy blocks and forces the player to start all over again.
Co-op is where the game truly shines. It supports up to four players in a single game where each player controls a block. If there’s only two players then both players control two blocks each. The biggest downside is the lack of instruction, it may take players some time to work out the controls for the game and the initial level is very confusing as players try to move the other blocks to their squares. Luckily, this is fairly easy to figure out.
Despite the initial confusion the game provides, it’s a solid co-op puzzle game that anyone should be able to enjoy.