Your Xbox Live Games With Gold lineup for April has been revealed! Next month The Technomancer and Outcast: Second Contact will be headlining the Xbox One free game selection. While those two titles aren’t going to dominate headlines, luckily the Xbox 360 selections are worth celebrating. The classic Star Wars Battlefront II and Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 are both on offer as well.
Check out the new Xbox Wire preview video to get a sneak peek of each game in action:
It’s not the best Games With Gold month we’ve ever seen, or even the best month we’ve seen this year, but we’re hoping that Microsoft is holding on to some huge freebies for spring and the months leading up to E3. At the very least, April is offering you two fantastic Xbox 360 games that you might have missed last gen, and you get to play them for free.
Here’s a little more information about each game, from the Xbox Wire:
The Technomancer
- Take on the role of an ascending mage warrior in the action RPG title, The Technomancer. Feared and respected by all, you’ll develop four different combat skill trees based on three different fighting styles. Craft your weapons, take part in dynamic conversations and explore lost cities as your actions dramatically alter the story and world.
Outcast: Second Contact
- Play the complete remake of the cult-classic that started the open world, action-adventure genre in Outcast: Second Contact. On Adelpha, an alien world as beautiful as it is dangerous, explore magic and science and make the right choices to save the destiny of two universes.
Star Wars Battlefront II
- Take part in a battle far, far away in the classic Star Wars Battlefront II. Either play the campaign of a veteran clone trooper reminiscing of his time in the 501st Legion or enjoy multiple gameplay modes. Fight on foot in the front lines, use the force powers of a Jedi, or dogfight in space in your favorite starships, all in 16 exotic locations.
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2
- Defend the nation from cross-border insurgents in Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2. In this tactical shooter, command your unit and complete your missions in dynamic weather conditions and a real-time day and night cycle. You’ll have 72 hours to defeat the enemy across mountainous terrain, small towns and urban environments.
The PlayStation Store will update with new free games next Tuesday, so Sony should be revealing its lineup soon. Stay tuned! In the meantime, here are a few new PlayStation VR surprises recently revealed in Sony’s State of Play presentation.