I recently listed the three main things I wish I knew before starting Ever Oasis. And now, I have three more tips for you. To recap my first article: Make sure you have enough resources to keep a new Bloom Booth in stock before building, trade with merchants for rare resources, and learn an enemy’s attack pattern for when to dodge.
Read on for three more essential tips for the RPG action adventure Ever Oasis.
Don’t sleep on night adventures.
You can venture out in the desert at any time to gather resources, fight monsters, complete side quests, and explore new areas. You might be tempted to come back to the Oasis at night to finish up daily chores and avoid the scarier enemies, but don’t do this every night.
Enemies that come out at night are different than daytime ones and, although they’re tougher, they will reward you with better, rarer items. Some you can trade with merchants for resources from far-off lands, some you can use in crafting recipes, and some you can use to stock new Bloom Booths!
Plus, have you seen how pretty that sparkling blue sand is a night? Ever Oasis changes beautifully throughout the day as the sun rises, travels across the sky, and sets to reveal a magical nighttime landscape. Stick around the desert to see it and fight tougher monsters every once in a while.
Find rare items in your Oasis.
While the desert holds many rare items for all sorts of purposes, there are also some right under your nose, if you know where to look. As your Oasis levels up and becomes more prosperous, the fountain will begin to attract fairies, which look like small dots of light flying around. Esna tells you the more fairies you have, the better your Oasis is doing.
What you might not know about these fairies is that they’re holding on to items you’ll want. Simply use your Seedling’s Wind Gale ability to blast through the fairies and collect a special flower or two. You might have to angle your Wind Gale a couple times before you hit both of them, but keep trying. And don’t worry, the fairies will reappear before you know it, but you can only get items from them once a day.
Another place to pick up special resources is right outside your house in the spring. It looks pretty serene during the day, but at night you’ll notice magical glowing lights — more fairies? — floating above the water’s surface. Use your Wind Gale here as well to collect more rare items every night.
Restock every day.
Between exploring the desert, battling enemies, attracting more residents, completing quests, and crafting new items, it can be easy to forget one of Ever Oasis’s easiest tasks — checking the stock of your current Bloom Booths. You can go through every Booth’s stock from the main menu, and you should always top off their resources whenever possible. Checking every day also helps you keep track of when you’ll need to venture to a certain area of the desert for resources you’re low on.
If Bloom Booths run out of stock, your Oasis’s happiness gauge will decrease until you can no longer receive the HP bonus from it. Plus, you’ll stop earning profits if the shops aren’t selling anything.
Are there any more essential Ever Oasis tips you’d add to my list? Let me know in the comments below!