The speedruns at AGDQ 2020 day two were just as great as they were on the first day, with an awesome variety of genres, franchises, and platforms. There were some classic PC games including Fallout, a big block of Sonic the Hedgehog games, and some exceptionally bloody showings of DOOM. There was a speedrun for every kind of gaming fan on day two of AGDQ 2020, and with 24 hours of content to sift through, it might be hard for viewers to pick a run to start with. To help you out, we’ve whipped up a list of our picks for the best speedruns of AGDQ 2020 day two. As with most days of this marathon, nearly every speedrun on day two was worth checking out. Hopefully, this list will give you a good selection of speedruns to check out!
If you want to watch any of these speedruns, you can find them on-demand on the GamesDoneQuick Twitch channel or YouTube channel. You’ll find the rest of the marathon there as well, so enjoy all of the content and let us know what your favorite runs are in the comments below!
The Best Speedruns of AGDQ 2020 Day Two
The Myst Trilogy by Gelly, Zaustus, and Admiral Flapjack

AGDQ 2020 continued into day two with three classic point ‘n click adventure games from the Myst franchise. Each of the three runs was a brisk performance of precision clicking and puzzle-solving, guaranteed to fill classic PC gamers with nostalgia. Although the Games Done Quick events are usually packed with a variety of game genres, the point ‘n click adventure genre rarely graces the schedule. As a huge fan of the genre, I had a great time watching these three excellent runs from three great runners.
Final times: 16:13, 7:36, and 12:28
Razor Freestyle Scooter (any%) by tapioca

Imagine Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater, but you’re playing as a child (and occasionally a monkey) on a Razor scooter. That’s Razor Freestyle Scooter in a nutshell. Runner tapioca kicked off this silly yet interesting run in the early morning hours, quickly plastering a smile on my face. This very brief run doesn’t contain too many glitches or tricks, but the commentary and general fun attitude of the speedrun makes it worth your time.
Final time: 10:52
Battletoads & Double Dragon (any%) by colin

The beat ’em up genre, like the point ‘n click genre, is not too often seen at GDQ events. As a huge beat ’em up fan, I’m always happy to see a runner blast through one of these incredibly tough and frustrating titles. Battletoads & Double Dragon is a combination of two of the biggest beat ’em up franchise of all time, and runner colin did a great job showing it off on the AGDQ stage. Between his laid-back commentary and the action-packed gameplay, this speedrun quickly became one of the best speedruns of AGDQ 2020 day two.
Final time: 19:43
Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Race) by Zaxon96 and Joeybaby69

When it comes to the Sonic games on Sega, there’s no better combination than Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Playing as Sonic, both Zaxon96 and Joeybaby69 sped their way through the game in a head-to-head race to the finish. In addition to the speedy spinballs they pulled off, both runners executed a number of zips, glitches, and screen-wraps. A lot of these glitches pushed Sonic through walls, skipping over precious checkpoints and major portions of the level. These glitches are no easy feat, leading to some big lead changes and upsetting setbacks. A solid effort from both runners made this one of the most dramatic runs of the event so far.
Final time: 34:37
Fallout Anthology (Main Series, any%) by tomatoangus

Runner tomatoangus showed off a ton of Fallout during AGDQ 2020 day two, as he blazed through all five main Fallout games with stunning speed. He played through Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4, each game containing its own glitches, strategies, and tricks. The Fallout series is a nice mixture of both classic RPG and RPG/FPS titles, providing both ample strategy and action. The number of glitches in the latter games are dumbfounding, often requiring visual aids for explanation. As an added bonus, this speedrun acts as one of the easiest ways to see every Fallout game in just a few hours, so if you’re just getting hip to Fallout, this is a great place to find an entertaining and intriguing summary.
Final time: 2:16:21
Doom: Sigil (UV-Speed) by KingDime

The original Doom has been a staple in the speedrunning community ever since its inception, and last year a brand new episode was released for this classic FPS. Doom aficionado KingDime took viewers on a rampaging run through Doom: Sigil, a set of maps that can only be described as chaotic and challenging. This speedrun packs a lot of action into its brief time frame, making it a perfect choice for a lunch-break viewing. Although there aren’t many new glitches and tricks to be noted, KingDime must be praised for his impeccable skill and accuracy, as Doom: Sigil is easily the most punishing episode of Doom. The commentary is also excellent, delivered as a play-by-play to keep viewers in pace with the quick action. If you’re looking for a quick bite of speedrunning fun, this Doom: Sigil run is a great choice.
Final time: 14:10
When the proverbial curtain closed on day two of AGDQ 2020, the marathon had raised well over $250,000 for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. It’s still a far stretch from the record $3 million donation total of Summer Games Done Quick 2019, but with five days left in the marathon, there’s plenty of room for that total to grow.
Those are our picks for the best speedruns of AGDQ 2020 day two! Keep in mind that these are simply subjective recommendations based on the runs we were able to catch, and this is just a small slice of the offerings at AGDQ 2020 day two. If you’re reading this while the marathon is live, be sure to follow us on social media (@official90skid) for live updates and reactions, and keep checking back here for more daily recaps.