Earn Festival Coins and maybe even a Moon Ball for participating.
The Pokémon Company is tasking players to take on the Elite Four (again) in Pokémon Sun and Moon with this month’s Global Mission.
Like past Global Missions, your success depends on the success of players worldwide. Pokémon Sun and Moon trainers can complete the“Defend Your Champion Title!” mission by collectively beating the Elite Four more than 100,000 times before Monday July 10th at 4:59pm PDT / 7:59pm EST.
In every main series Pokémon game, the Elite Four are the top tier trainers in the whole region. Players must beat them to complete the game and earn the title of League Champion. This Global Mission is asking players to do just that, even if you’ve earned the title in the game before.
Any player who beats the Elite Four at least once will receive Festival Coins, and Pokémon Global Link members will have the chance to earn even more rewards.
If the goal of 100,000 titles is reached, Pokémon Global Link members will earn 4,000 Festival Coins, while other Global Mission participants will earn 2,000 Coins. If the goal is not reached, the price will be 400 Festival Coins for Pokémon Global Link members and 200 Festival Coins for other players.
Additionally, Global Link members can also earn a Moon Ball, if the bonus goal of 200,000 League Champion titles is reached.
To participate in this month’s Pokémon Sun and Moon Global Mission, head to the in-game Festival Plaza, enter the castle, and speak to the receptionist on your right. Remember to use Game Sync by July 10th at 4:59pm PT to get your Elite Four victories counted toward the global total.