If you’ve been on the internet in the past two weeks, you likely know about the storm of complaints around Mass Effect Andromeda. Players have criticized the wacky facial animations, romance options, and various customization shortcomings. Today, BioWare committed to address those issues with an upcoming patch and planned future updates.
In a post on BioWare’s website, GM Aaryn Flynn thanked the millions players who have picked up Mass Effect Andromeda and assured them this is “just the beginning” of the game’s journey.
“Since launch,” Flynn said, “our team has been poring over your comments and feedback, looking to discover what you like about the game, as well as areas we can evolve or improve.”
For Patch 1.05, coming Thursday April 6th, players will see mostly technical improvements of crashes and overall game performance. Additionally, Flynn listed some specific gameplay updates players might be interested in. See the bullets below.
- Allowing you to skip ahead when travelling between planets in the galaxy map
- Increasing the inventory limits
- Improving the appearance of eyes for humans and asari characters
- Decreasing the cost of remnant decryption keys and making them more accessible at merchants
- Improving localized voice over lip sync
- Fixing Ryder’s movements when running in a zig zag pattern
- Improving matchmaking and latency in multiplayer
You can see all improvements coming with this update in the patch notes.
Looks like we’ll see some adjustments to the facial animations, but Flynn assured consumers that more patches will roll out over the coming months for further improvements.
In addition to animations, future updates will address character customization/ appearance, cinematic scenes, male romance options for Ryder, conversations with Hainly Abrams, and stability issues.
As for multiplayer, APEX missions will be improved, maps will be added, and new characters/ weapons will be integrated.
Flynn closes, “We want to hear from you about your experiences, both what you love about the game and what you’d like to see changed. We’re listening, and we’re committed to partnering with you as we continue to explore the Andromeda galaxy together.”